About me

PhD Student, Spoken Language Processing Laboratory, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan
豊橋技術科学大学 大学院 工学研究科 情報・知能工学専攻 博士後期課程 音声言語処理(北岡)研究室
(~Mar 2024, Applied Mathematics and Network Laboratory)

Student, Leadning Graduate School at TUT

Student, Gijutsu-Kagaku-Kyoin (Teacher in Engineerings & Sciences) Program at TUT
技術科学教員プログラム 履修生


After graduating from National Institute of Technology, Toyota College; I entered Toyohashi University of Technology.

Now I mainly research about the information system that helps to do Flipped Learning with Educational Technology at Umemura Lab.
梅村研究室では主に反転授業を支援するシステムの研究開発,評価に従事.システム開発では主にサーバーサイドでRuby on Rails,フロントエンドでTypeScript(Angular + Ionic)を用いている.データ分析にはJuliaを利用.

Upon entering university, I worked as part-time engineer at a software development company in Toyohashi. I have developing experience in various languages, mainly C#.